Blueberry Bronson Prediction Game

We Are Expecting! Due Date Is August 3, 2010!

Tune in to see how Baby Bronson is developing and the challenges and joys that Adam and I face.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Pre Labor

Hmmmm....well...not exactly sure how to describe what I am feeling. It has been an interesting (and frustrating) few days. I had my first real contractions Thursday evening and called my parents Friday morning to have them go ahead and make the trek to Dallas thinking that heading to the hospital was right around the corner.

Friday, I had a few tightening moments in the morning, but then all was quiet for the remainder of the day so I went out to lunch with PJ and Lavenia (my mother-in-law and a dear family friend). Then I met Sara my nails done. Mom and Dad made it to town that evening.

Saturday, we all woke up, and Adam and I took a stroll around the neighborhood hoping to get things moving again. Nothing that morning. Mom and I played on the computer while my dad and Adam worked on some outdoor projects. I felt one contraction around lunchtime and then they seemed to come all afternoon...pretty spaced out and mixed with Braxton Hicks contractions. Kind of confusing to say the least because it kind of sometimes dulls the lines between the real thing and the fake ones. But, they definitely picked up last night so we were all going over what would happen when I hit the 511 rule somewhere in the night. Adam and I were going to head up to the hospital, check in, and see where we stood, and then call the parents to let them know when they should make their way up so no one had to sleep in the waiting room unnecessarily. If you are ever faced with this "this must be it!" moment, don't talk about it, don't guarantee it, just enjoy it because once you say "this is definitely it!" and everyone gets excited, you jinx it.

Overnight I woke up to a few strong contractions about every 2 hrs-1.5 hrs apart. They really set Anders into a tizzy, but by this morning they hadn't progressed. It is now 11:10 a.m. on Sunday morning, and I have walked the block on two different occasions, napped, had breakfast, and although I am still having contractions, they are being blurred again mostly by what I feel like are Braxton Hicks. Ugh! Just when you think "this is definitely it," it all slows down or stalls again or just seems funny. I know it will happen when it is "time," but I am tiring so quickly, beginning to be irritable (sorry to those immediately around me), and just getting frustrated.

You start to wonder, "Am I farther along than I realize and my pain tolerance is just really high?," "Should I try to go to the hospital in case I am closer than I think?," and "How much longer can this possibly go on?"

I need to just watch a movie and chill out I think....must regain that wonderful, blissful perspective that I had a few days ago. :) Wooooo-saaaahhhhh!

1 comment:

  1. This is the most frustrating thing for a first-time parent! I remember this well--with the 2nd & 3rd it was MUCH easier to distinguish. However, I will say that I was dilated to an 8 and a 5, respectively, when I finally made it to the hospital for the other two. So, be careful not to wait too long. I almost missed the timeframe for the epidural on the 2nd! ;)
