He's here! He's here! After almost nine full months, Anders is here! We couldn't be more excited!
Born July 29, 2010 (7 lbs, 9.5 oz, 19 in) at 8:58 a.m.
AND...he made a grand appearance, too! Remember in past postings I have said how incredibly easy my pregnancy has been? It was seamless, with my doctor constantly referring to us as a "textbook pregnancy." Well, that all went out the window on the morning of our induction. Here's how our day went:
5:00 a.m. I was texting with Adam's cousins about being both excited and nervous for the day and how cool it would be to have our babies born on the same day.
6:10 a.m. Showered and dressed, bags in the car, and Adam and I heading to the hospital.
7:25 a.m. Checked in at the hospital. Waiting for our labor and delivery room to be ready.
8:05 a.m. Hooked up to IV and baby monitor and dressed in a precious pink hospital gown. Getting excited!
8:15ish a.m. Nurse Michelle starts me on a light dose of Pitocin to induce labor. I am dilated to 3cm.
8:35 a.m. Nurse Michelle ups my Pitocin dosage to keep things moving.
8:45 a.m. Everything changes! Got up to go to the restroom and had strong contraction. Nurse Michelle puts baby monitor back on my tummy once I am in bed. Then she asks me to roll on my side because Anders doesn't like that position. Then she asks me to roll on my other side. She calls for another nurse to come help her. Then she puts oxygen on me and says not to be afraid that she just wants to get some more oxygen to the baby. Two nurses show up, and then she has me get up on all fours - the whole time she is moving the monitor around trying to get a good heartbeat from Anders. A few more people run into the room. The next thing I hear them say is, "What is Dr. E saying?.....Okay, we gotta go! Honey, we've got to get the baby out. You're going in for a c-section." Adam has moved out of the way to let the nurses work, and I look at him and tell him to let our parents know to hurry and get to the hospital.
8:48 a.m. Adam sends a simple text, "C section. Going in now." A nurse throws scrubs at him and tells him to put them on and follow her. The nurses confirm that I haven't had an epidural yet, and the section will be under general anesthesia. Adam is led away to a recovery room...away from me and away from Anders.
Somewhere on the way to the operating room, a nurse yells that Dr. E is leaving his other surgery and running to me. In the operating room, another person says, "We can't wait! Dr. R will have to do her c-section." Someone else replies, "Wait, wait, wait! Here's Dr. E!"
As I felt them prepping my stomach, the last thing I remember is Dr. E leaning over me saying, "I know this isn't what you intended to happen, but you are going to be fine, and we are going to get that baby out so you can meet him." Then they pushed hard on the artery in my neck (kind of what I assume a "sleeper hold" to feel like), and I went under.
8:58 a.m. Anders is born. (Less than ten minutes from them telling me that it will be a c-section to when he arrives!)
9:06 a.m. Adam sends another text to our parents, "Anders is out...healthy. Finishing up with Kate. She is doing well though."
9:10 a.m. Adam holds his son for the first time.
9:32 a.m. Text from Adam to parents, "Waiting to see Kate. 8:58am, 7lbs 9oz 19 inches."
9:40 a.m. Adam shows Anders to awaiting family through the nursery glass.
9:45 a.m. They bring Anders to me for the first time to meet him and nurse. I have no memory of this.
10:17 a.m. Text from Adam to parents, "All are doing well. Kate is still in a good bit of pain. Just recovering now."
12:00ish p.m. My parents, Jon Michael, and Adam's parents come back to see us in the post partum room.
Needless to say, it was quite an eventful delivery, but the rest of the weekend was spent getting acquainted with Anders, and enjoying being new parents.
Adam and I spent the next two weeks struggling a bit with the "why was the delivery so traumatic?" question...not sure we wanted an answer because we were fearful that we had caused it. At my two week post partum doctor's appointment, we asked that very question. The doctor simultaneously confirmed our worst fear and our most joyful comfort...both brought chills and tears. Dr. E said that he didn't think the Pitocin or the induction caused Anders's heart rate to drop. Nor did he think the cord that was wrapped around Anders's neck was a major factor. He said that it was very possible Anders was having dips in his heart rate throughout the pregnancy without us knowing, and we happened to be very lucky that he was on the heart monitor that morning because the drop was significant. Anders clearly did not do well with big contractions and had we gone into "true labor" at home, we very likely would have been coming to the hospital with a stillborn. Makes me sick to my stomach to write about it even after processing the idea for almost two months.
Even with the trauma and the emotional and bonding struggles of the first few weeks, we feel so incredibly blessed that someone up there is always looking out for us. We will forever be thankful that labor didn't officially start at home because we were right where we needed to be and someone up there made sure that our Anders arrived in this world safely and right on time.
Now we are all home, healthy, happy, and loving our precious baby boy Anders.
This completes our journey through pregnancy and Anders's arrival. Please visit our new blog that will journal Anders's own journey at http://ourbronsonfamily.blogspot.com/.