- Read "What to Expect..." and other baby books - almost finished.
- Choose bedding/color/nursery theme - check!
- Register for baby items for showers - check!
- Choose baby name - excited to say that we are close (even though we may keep it a secret until he is born)!
- Choose baby announcement cards - hmmmm....definitely need to think about that one.
- Write out a birthing plan - need to get on that one, too!
Other than that, things are going really well. I still feel really good. No swelling feet or hands. No major discomfort. No dark line on my tummy. No "out-y" belly button....yet. There is the occasional indigestion, but eating properly and sleeping slightly elevated seems to nip that in the bud. Allergies have hit hard lately (as they have for most of us with the weird weather of this spring), but with that came some pretty intense congestion and coughing, resulting in my first Braxton Hicks contractions. Kind of crazy to already experience those, but since the coughing has settled down, so have the contractions.
B-cubed is moving a ton which is incredible to continue to feel daily. It seems like everything grows overnight because the other day I jumped out of my chair with a screech! because he tickled me waaaaaay over on my side. You know that extra sensitive spot near your love-handles where someone can pinch you just right, and you can't help but spaz with a reaction. I had no clue he had the room to get way over there. Then he proceeded to play a little game where I would touch my stomach, and he would make little swirl movements or small pushes right back at me underneath my hand. It definitely freaked me out at first, but it is pretty cool. Adam felt it the other night, and it totally shocked him, too. Even so, the occasional evenings spent just watching my tummy jump with little (and sometimes huge!) kicks never seems to get old.
Next week we go in for our 28th week sonogram, a glucose test for gestational diabetes, and a regular prenatal visit. Adam and I are both very anxious to get a peek and see how much our little angel has grown. As of now, the books say he is about 15 inches long and a little more than 2 lbs. His current produce comparison is a large cucumber, but he certainly feels more like a pumpkin at times. He is pretty much completely formed (lungs being the last to reach the finish line), so it sounds like we will be packing the hospital bag soon just in case he has an early arrival. But seriously...have you seen our "to do" list? No rush necessary on his part!
Hey Kate! You look adorable and I know that you're so excited for baby boy's arrival! I'll be praying for you in this last trimester!!